A joke of course, but you never know, when the prestigious Classic Car Week was held at the Son Vida Golf Hotel from October 12th to 16th with a number of rally drives, Golf Tournaments and over the weekend the one the drivers were all waiting for. The highlight of the event. “ The Concours d’ Elegance in which only 40 cars could be judged by the chosen and immaculately dressed in white judges.This year the event was hosted in the beautiful grounds of the Son Vida Golf Hotel who were one of the main sponsors of this wonderful event for all who share the passion of owning a classic car whether, it is English, American or from the shores of mainland Europe.
All were there and what a superb turnout. Each day was also blessed by blue skies, warm sunshine and a venue that showed off the cars at their best.There were E. Types, a Ford Thunderbird, Corvettes, AC Cobra’s, MG’s of years gone by mixing with, Alfa’s, Mercedes and even some modern cars, not classics, but who cannot admire the new Ford GT 40, a supercar for sure. Over the days there was the Memorial drive and Crime Drive as it is so called, with a limit of 50 cars. It is one of the traditional parts of the week in honour of our late good friend Russell Stevens.
An iconic person in the Classic car field and much more. Russell brought so many of us together through meetings and events over the years and will never be forgotten.Sensibly, the location for the cars taking part was not held near the course where even the best golfers can, and do strike the ball off course, but thankfully, no balls rained down on the bodywork or windscreens of these beautiful cars. All was peaceful and the views magnificent across green manicured grass with palm trees showing that this was indeed a location which blended with the cars on display. Sadly, for me and my opinion, the numbers allowed into the venue to view the cars on the prestigious Saturday was limited, and 10 euros I understood was the entry fee.
For me, many missed out in seeing the cars, some rare also and brought to the island from Germany by BMW.I hope that next year the event, surely again held at Son Vida Golf Hotel will lift the restrictions on numbers so all can enjoy the day and for free, so important in these challenging times. Children, families, can then see and enjoy the cars, maybe even fall in love with the idea of owning one or renovating one in the future.
New blood as they say to keep the wheels of classic cars turning and so the more who can view these cars the better.The judges, in white with straw hats, another tradition judged those that were on the Concours d’ elegance and they were like bees around a honey pot as close inspections took place, views exchanged and fine details checked.
A difficult task being a judge, but the E.Type was the overall winner and what an example of this iconic car from the UK that even Ferrari admired. Now that is rare!!! So a busy schedule over the days, car talk galore, photos taken and all who attended agreed that the location was outstanding and the organisation could not be faulted. Well done to the judges, the volunteers and to all who made this Classic Car Week, I say it again, one of the most prestigious events of the year on the island. Long may it continue and please do not hide those cars away.
They need to be cherished but driven also and with the Car Clubs on the island I am confident that many will see these cars on the roads of Mallorca and at other events to come.A magnificent event, nice friendly people, and an excellent turnout. Bring on 2023. Celebrity magazine is delighted to report on this event and many thanks goes out to Helen Pitt who owns two classics and took a selection of superb photos for me as well as Debbie Cameron who herself has now brought a classic 1968 Mustang. This classic car hobby, if you call it that, is certainly contagious in a nice way.
So please do see and take home our new issue of Celebrity Magazine found at quality locations throughout the island. Why not visit our website for more articles, details and much more at www.celebritymallorca.es Enjoy and see you soon.
David Whitney with thanks to Helen, a member of the Classic Car club Mallorca. www.ccc-mallorca.com and also to Debbie Cameron for her support.