It was a true Celebration at Port Adriano on the evening of Monday 2nd August as a sell out capacity crowd of 1400 were drawn to see, a truly iconic band, Kool & the Gang. For many it was their first live music event since the pandemic took over. The fans were not to be disappointed.
It was indeed a Kool evening as thankfully, the hot and sticky humid weather gave way to a warm but pleasant temperature to the fans who filled the event arena. Some in the stacked seating, others on well positioned chairs and others around tables both front stage and to the side. All were excited as the arena filled and the lights dimmed to welcome the legends onto the stage. The crowd erupted as the band took to the stage.
The camera phones flashed and the music began. And what music it was with the band members individually playing their instruments during the performance from drums, guitars, saxophone and trumpet. These are real talented musicians and the hits just flowed as the audience rose to sing their favourites along with the band. What energy from members who could show younger bands how performances should be. Was the band really formed in 1964. Yes, was the answer and it showed with hit after hit and the choreography of the band members playing and moving to their music brought cheers and excitement to the crowd. The band loved it and the audience loved it.
The bands outfits bright and glittering in the stage lights added to the performance with the sound reverberating throughout the arena. Well done to the stage crew for perfect lighting and sound which was crisp and clear from wherever you may have been sitting. I was privileged being from the Media for Celebrity as I was close to the stage and seeing the band using all of the stage, having fun and enjoyment for what was for them one of their first live performances in nearly 18 months. Well done Port Adriano for bringing Kool & the Gang to Mallorca. It lifted the spirits of all in the arena seeing them play and the night air was also lifted with their music flowing from the arena and out to the marina and beyond.
A faultless performance and now I have to buy all their albums and do remember a new album is due to be released this month. Yes, there are some great singers and bands around but not many who can say that they have entertained audiences Worldwide since 1964 and continue to do so to this day..I am sure that they will continue to entertain us for many years to come. Who said the old music is the best. I am sure the 1400 capacity crowd would say this was indeed true. A great evening, and the fans went home happy and fully entertained with many spilling into restaurants and bars chatting about this memorable evening. You cannot beat live music and the crowd atmosphere. So thanks Kool & the Gang and thanks to all who made the evening one to remember.